Category: maintenance

Important Information Needed When Seeking a Communal Complex Quote

Important Information Needed When Seeking a Communal Complex Quote

In light of recent global events and the current financial situation, anyone involved in budgeting will want to ensure that their funds are well spent. Communal complex committees, too, will be under even greater pressure to get the best possible value-for-money services for their fee-paying owners. Obtaining an accurate quote, has, therefore, never been more […]

Our Brief Guide to Making Correct Cyprus Complex Committee Decisions

Our Brief Guide to Making Correct Cyprus Complex Committee Decisions

Standing as a member of a Cyprus residential complex committee comes with a high level of responsibility. Not least because any legal claims such as third-party litigations appertaining to the communal areas will rest solely with the committee and thus, ultimately its appointed officers. Perhaps this goes a long way towards explaining why we are […]

Sinking Funds and why they are Vital to the Smooth Running of Your Complex Committee

Sinking Funds and why they are Vital to the Smooth Running of Your Complex Committee

If your Cyprus complex committee and residents wish to avoid that sinking feeling that accompanies the surprise of unexpected costs, a sinking fund needs to be considered a vital part of your plan. While regular complex costs for scheduled maintenance, cleaning and admin can (and must be) budgeted for, the cost of breakdowns, damage and […]

Why your Cyprus complex committee needs a lawyer

Why your Cyprus complex committee needs a lawyer

Anyone living in a Cyprus apartment or villa complex is likely to appreciate just how important it is to have a functioning and recognised committee. Many are, however, less well-informed on the importance of retaining the services of a professional Cyprus lawyer. One of the main issues for many communal committees is that many of […]

Who Is Responsible For Paying Communal Fees?

Who Is Responsible For Paying Communal Fees?

Owners of properties within complexes that have shared facilities and communal areas are likely to incur the costs involved in cleaning and maintaining such areas. These communal areas may include anything from shared stairways and corridors to gardens, parking, and even swimming pools. As you may imagine, the cost of maintaining such areas can be […]

Why Residents Committees Have an AGM and What It Is All About

Why Residents Committees Have an AGM and What It Is All About

  If you own a Cyprus property within a complex, you will already have heard of the resident’s committee and the AGM. Under the rules governing resident’s management committees in Cyprus, there is a need to give notice off and to hold an AGM (annual general meeting). At the first of these official meetings, the […]

Who Does the Roof on My Apartment Complex Belong To and Who Should Maintain It

Who Does the Roof on My Apartment Complex Belong To and Who Should Maintain It

  While the title of this article may already provide some logic in so much that maintenance of an apartment block’s roof is likely to rest with those recognised as owning it, on further examination, there may be a little more to it. Many complexes have several separate apartment blocks and still, others may have […]

Why Must We Have Communal Maintenance?

Why Must We Have Communal Maintenance?

A common question that many Cyprus property management companies are asked by villa and apartment owners who have access to shared common areas is “why must we have communal maintenance”? The question most often than not arises from the concern over the shared cost of this communal maintenance. Some property owners even think that the […]

Do I Have To Pay Communal Fees For Facilities That I Don’t Use

Do I Have To Pay Communal Fees For Facilities That I Don’t Use

One of the top concerns that we hear expressed by property owners on complexes where communal fees are charged is “do I have to pay communal fees for facilities that I don’t use”? The really short answer is that in many instances yes you will have to pay fees for certain facilities even if you […]

What Should Be Covered In The Communal Fees?

What Should Be Covered In The Communal Fees?

While what exactly is covered under the communal fees will vary from one complex to another, as a rule of thumb, it is an area, utility, or facility that is shared in common with most if not all of the properties on that complex. This, of course, can cover a wide remit and that is […]

Why budgeting is so important to the Successful Management of Your Complex

Why budgeting is so important to the Successful Management of Your Complex

  When it comes to the smooth running of your complex committee, none of the “nuts and bolts” work is going to succeed unless you have budgeted correctly. One of the major benefits of working with a professional property maintenance company is that they are able to provide expert budgeting advice. From on-going and regular […]

Why Your Complex Must Have a Management Committee

Why Your Complex Must Have a Management Committee

If you own a property in Southern Cyprus and it is within a complex, you are obliged by law (chapter 224 of the Cyprus Constitution) to participate in the formation of a recognised management committee. In theory, therefore, owners of such properties could be deemed as non-compliant when failing to do exactly that. Whilst the […]

How property maintenance can keep you out of trouble

How property maintenance can keep you out of trouble

Why bother with routine maintenance? Your investment property is likely to be one of the biggest purchases you will make.  Protecting your investment will mean spending time and money on your property to ensure it is in good condition and can actually provide you a return. Property owners tend to fall into two different categories, […]

Your Cyprus property in good hands

LEE property services provides quality property services to suit your individual needs. Through attention to detail and as a professional team, we aim exceed your expectations first time, every time. We specialise in communal property management and maintenance. Should you require help and advise, or for us to provide you with a free quotation, please feel free to contact one of our team members who will be more than willing to assist you.

We have lots of other sites that we look after and will be happy to provide you with references. All our work is carried out on an “open-accounting basis” so you can see exactly where the money is going and what is being purchased. We pride ourselves on being able to reduce the running cost of your complex as well as taking away all of the hassle associated with running the property – leaving you free to enjoy your property as intended.

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