Why bother with routine maintenance? Your investment property is likely to be one of the biggest purchases you will make. Protecting your investment will mean spending time and money on your property to ensure it is in good condition and can actually provide you a return. Property owners tend to fall into two different categories, […]
The cost of pool maintenance is priceless not expensive
Have you ever watched your pool cleaner doing his job? Your pool water is looking perfectly clear, he has vacuumed the bottom, taken all the debris out, scrubbed the water line added chemicals and left. Your pool is looking good and you are happy and confident and assume it is perfectly safe to swim in. […]
Management of Your Cyprus Complex
Lee Property Services can take care of the management of your entire property complex. This service is provided with a full management solution which we are confident will save you money compared with your existing supplier. If it does not already exist, we will help you establish a legal committee for your development to ensure […]